Coloured Ganache! Yes It Works!

Oh me Oh My! I am so thrilled, so excited. I am just on top of the world today! Words can't really do it justice - I really am totally in a zone of cakey euphoria! What's got me so fired up and excited you ask? Drum Roll Please..... Coloured Ganache! Yes you read read right! Coloured ganache, is what's got me excited! I am so in cakey love with the whole concept right now! You see not everyone likes fondant, not everyone can cover a cake without the dreaded elephant skin, the cracks, and rounded edges when trying to achieve sharp edges. And you know what, some days fondant just doesn't want to play the game! Personally I find fondant to be quite moody and often find myself arguing with her at 1am in the morning! Eeek! However I am good at setting up my ganache. Actually I am pretty darn good! I have mastered getting it smooth - yep I like to think I am awesome at this, but nothing breaks my heart more than ruining that perfect finish with ...