Strawberry "No" Cake Pops

Cake Pops are very popular at parties at the moment, in fact so are lollies and candy bars. My inner healthy voice screams out at me when I look at these gorgeously presented tables, asking "Where's the healthy options!? " I do love a good cake, but I also love to have healthy options.

My kids love Strawberries,  they are low in sugar, high fibre, and loaded with nutrients.  So I decided to experiment with my cake pop alternative - Strawberry No - Cake Pops! 
You can't get any healthier than these!

I used ordinary drinking straws for the sticks. The result was yummy looking fresh strawberry pops... but then I thought I had to have a wicked version too, so pulled out the electric fondue maker I bought for $5 from Crazy Clarks.

The results? YUMMY! ♥ 

Why not have both versions at your next party? !

A Few tips:

* Use firm fresh Strawberries
* The "healthier" chocolate to use is dark chocolate
* When putting dipped strawberries in fridge to set, used a few glasses so your not crowding and ruining the chocolate finish, once set then arrange in final glass.
* Other fruits to use with this method include pieces of Melons, whole Seedless Grapes,  wedges of Pineapple etc..

Strawberry No - Cake Pops in the making...

 healthy cake pops

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  1. Thanks, this post made me laugh. You know what? I don't like Cake Pops much - too sweet and too much trouble for a busy mum. But no Cake Pops? That's got my vote! I could even give them 2 versions, one with chocolate as above, and one dipped in creme fraiche!

    1. Hee hee :) thanks sugahmommy. No cake pops have become a hit at my parties now x


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